Muslim scum, gitmo, jimmy carter etc
Wasn't it just awful to see those poor terrorists forced to strip naked when they arrested them in London???? That would be the rallying cry of liberals in America if that happened here. Teddy "I let a woman drown to death" Kennedy would be all over the place opening his gin blossomed drunken face to decry the horrors of making terrorists get naked. It would be ok if it was a woman terrorist and one of his nephews was raping her though. Seriously teddy kennedy is the biggest joke of all time. I think he outdoes Robert "kkk" Byrd and Barbara "check bouncer" boxer. The dude is just a scumbag. I dont want to hear anything out of his drunken yap except the words " I am resigning and I am giving all my money to the Kopechne family for coldy allowing their daughter to slowly drown to death". The dude is such a douchebag, calling what is happening in gitmo torture. No Teddy torture is letting a woman drown to death while your fat ass gets out the car goes home has a few more drinks passes out and then tells someone about it. Thats torture you fat piece of drunken shit.
Jimmy Carter what a worthless dick this guy is. All he can do is bitch and whine about everything Bush does. Shut the fuck up Jimmy and go pound some nails, that is all you are good for anymore. Your presidency was a joke. He was hands down the worst president of the 20th century. The dude loves to go on foreign soil and bash Bush wow real brave there peanut farmer. This guy doesn't know dick about terrorists anyhow, he was the tool who just stood by when they took our people hostage in Iran for 444 days. Dumb dick.He was a bigger disgrace to the presidency than Nixon & Clinton combined.