Jimmy Carter is a disgrace

That man is a scumbag. He took Coretta Scott Kings funeral and pimped it right out. He is a disgraceful loser. He is also hands down without doubt the worst president of modern times. He malaised this country into being appeasers like him.Thank God Ronald Reagan came along and fixed this country. So he mentions how MLK was wiretapped trying to bring a comparasion to Bush well newsflash you stupid classless man it was TWO dumbascraps who did the wiretapping of MLK it was JFK & RFK and what they did was wrong. What Bush is doing is right he is protecting our country. I want him to authorize the listening in of everyone who is a suspected terrorist. Jimmy Carter does not have a classy bone in his withered up old body. I also read that because people applauded him, and that douchebag reverend who hijacked the pulpit to give an anti Bush message, that it was the right thing to do. Um hello people applauded Hitler all the time for talking about killing Jews does that make it right? Only in dumbascraps tiny mind it does. As usual Bush showed class when these dumbascraps didnt. Taking the high road is classy no sense in dirtying yourself in the dumbascrap dust.

I absolutely could not agree more. What is going on in America that we can disrupt a persons funeral for our own gain. How selfish is that? That's how they always act though. They take something and make it into crap. I think it was a disgrace to this womans memory to stand up there for other intentons other than to honor her. And in my opinion, they had nothing but ill intentions...
Youre right. Jimmy's a waste of space, one of, if not, the worst presidents this country has ever had the misfortune to endure.
Keep up the good work, I enjoy reading what you have to say!
Yep, I agree! Although, I got so pissed at the fact that he was using another public appearance to spew more of his venom today, I hit the web & learned that he makes & sells furniture and wine. Perfect, I hope he gets blasted on 'Peanut Noir' and beats himself repeatedly in the head with a newly constructed chifforobe! I do not believe the term 'clueless douche bag' would be too far off the mark when referring this monumental ID bomb.
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