Saturday, July 09, 2005

Die muslim terrorist scum and child molesters

Ok there I said it. I want all the muslim terrorists to die. I want them to be tortured and killed. Do I want all muslims to get that fate? NO. But I sure as hell would like to see a lot more muslims speak out against these terrorist shitheads. I do not want to hear about the imagined "horrors" of gitmo. I DO NOT GIVE A FUCK. Torture them all and REALLY torture them. And if Teddy Kennedy opens his fat drunken gin blossomed yap about it I want someone to step and say "hey fat drunken man since when do you care about other people? You didn't care much about Mary Jo Kopechne when you left her to drown from your drunken driving. So shut the fuck up." Some politician somewhere have the nuts to say this to his gin blossomed face when he brings up gitmo. We need to take off the kid gloves we need to show these scumbags real torture and I am not talking about playing mariah carey (although to me that would be torture), I am talking about real torture.I do not want another London to happen.

And while I am talking about punishment that fits the crime lets not give these child molesting scumbags a second chance. Since my idea of killing them after the first offense would never fly, lets put them in prison forever. General population. No parole no out on bail. How many more little kids have to die or get hurt before someone will step up and really make these sick fucks pay? I hope that sick fuck who took Shasta and Dylan gets his throat slit in prison. Let the prisoners deal out the justice that some people seem so afraid to give these scumbags. Our justice system is far too lenient. Lets have prisons for violent crimes and sex crimes and a separate prison for drug crimes.


At 10:28 PM, Blogger badgerbob said...

Have you ever considered putting all that anger to good use? Maybe you could go beat up one of those muslims at your local 7-11. You could then go to prison, change your name to psychomarco,start a gang, and take out all of the child molesters. With all of the publicity you would get from these acts,you could change your name to markymarco,become a rapper,and eventually become a famous movie actor. Then you could make your devoted followers some good movies. Maybe even co-star with leonardo, and kick the crap out of him behind the trailers. Problems solved. No thanks are necessary.

At 9:43 AM, Blogger BennettMarco said...

Hmmm very interesting. You put a lot of thought into a fantasy life for me. I don't know whether to be honored or very very afraid.

At 6:36 PM, Blogger Sandy said...

I totally agree with your most recent blog!!!!

At 7:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I feel the same way. I just read that GITMO article in TIME and I think that what they are doing over there is mild considering that we need to get information in order to save lives. I know that the "torture" is definitely more extreme that what we are being told, but I believe that it is a fair price to pay for the scumbags that kill for their cause.

At 8:14 PM, Blogger BennettMarco said...

Thank you Sandy. Sharsie, yes I read the article too and I scratch my head and wonder where the torture is and why such a big deal is made of this.

At 7:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

After I read Sandy's commet, I checked her blog. Good God, she's a moron. I wouldn't put any stock in anything that demented chick said.

BadgerBob will you marry me and have little badger babies.

At 7:05 AM, Blogger BennettMarco said...

Now now Sharsie play nice. So you want to hookup with badgerbob and make lil badger babies cool a hookup on my blog!

At 9:42 AM, Blogger badgerbob said...

Mr.Marco;I believe that sandy may be an imposter. Acting on a tip from sharsie, who I am sure is very lovely, I checked out sandy's web site. Although she has worked with kids most of her life, her response seems harsh, given the nice nature of her blog. She may be in cahoots with rosie ,and her legions of mindless followers.
Dear sharsie; a badger's existence is a dirty one, but it can be very warm and cuddly in the den, especially after an evening meal of sun roasted ground- squirrel.
Love, bob.

At 8:56 PM, Blogger Sandy said...

The last person I would be in cahoots with is Rosie O'Donnel! And sense Sharsi thinks I'm a moron and demented (can't figure out how she surmised that from my blog), I would not be in cahoots with her. I am just sick of POLITICAL CORRECTNESS and pampering of criminals...thus, I agree with Bennettmarco.

At 8:57 PM, Blogger Sandy said...

Sorry, make that since...not sense! Big mistake for a teacher!!!

At 9:30 PM, Blogger BennettMarco said...

Now now now lets all get along. I welcome all here who can speak intelligently and don't babble.

At 4:31 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sandy I have proof that you are not what you seem and may be, as I stated in my previous post, a demented chick.

I saw where you left a comment and then deleted it. You hoped I had badgerbabies and got eaten by a bear. You also were rude and insulting using words and phrases which I WILL NOT repeat here and stoop to your level.

I also read where you wrote that you wanted to develop a relationship with Mr. Bennett, who you felt had the same sense of adventure as Marco Polo.

I am displeased and disheartened by the about face that you have just executed.

At 8:06 AM, Blogger Sandy said...

You are just out of your mind. None of that ever happened! I'm done here with this nonsense!

At 11:52 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you really cared you'd donate money to send them plane loads of relief dynamite so they can blow each other all up. This 10 or 20 or 150 at a time shit ain't cutting it. Explosives aren't free, you know.

At 7:41 PM, Blogger BennettMarco said...

That would be fine if the would only blow each other up and not other people. I would gladly donate money for that cause.

At 5:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It has come to my attention, Mr. Bennett, that you've expressed an interest in scientology. Please note that I do take on new students to coach in this great religion.

I do, however, have certain chriteria that must be met before I will agree to be your handler.

1. You must NOT be a homosexual. *Not that there's anything wrong with that* but since I will be accompaning you to the bathroom while you shower and go about your morning abolutions, I would prefer that there not be any sexual tension.

2. I insist that you call me "Master Thetan" at all times, while keeping your eyes downcast in the proper subservient manner that befits your novice station.

3. You must rescind authority and control over to me in all household matters. This means, Mr. Bennett, that you WILL stop frequenting undesirable areas such as: internet porn sites, gay and lesbian bars, tattoo parlors, etc..

Thank you for your interest and I hope to take charge of you and your future as a scientologist.

Xanadictum Ricterip

At 8:26 PM, Blogger badgerbob said...

What a nutcase. Don't these people also make you give them a portion of your weekly earnings? The scientologist is a Freak!!!
Mr.Marco! say it ain't so.

At 12:11 AM, Blogger BennettMarco said...

Badger of course it isn't so. thats just Tom Cruise trolling for men. Or maybe one of the scientology freaks but have no fear I do not believe in space aliens therefore I could never be a scientologist. Must be someone mad that I outed tommy on my blog.

At 5:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wish for a cloud of locusts to descent upon your house you son of a dog manger. you Homosexual PIG. hater of Islam and MOhammed, praise be upon him. May your eye turn red and fall upon the floor and may the curses of the 7 veils smother you.


At 7:55 PM, Blogger BennettMarco said...

A son of "dog manger" and a homosexual is what you are calling me? I would much rather be either of those things( of which I am neither) than some tablecloth wearing on my head terrorist.Hey diaperhead how about we go toe to toe and settle this oh wait thats right you girly sheetheads can only do sneak attacks. May a woman on her period rub her dirty shoes all over your uglyassface. Douchebag.

At 7:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with your most recent post, especially regarding child molesters. I live in FL where sex offenders and child molesters are rampant. I don't know what it is about this state, maybe the amount of clothing the kids wear due to the heat does something to these sick fucks. who knows. anyhow, glad i stumbled upon your site. if i may be so bold, i'm going to venture into some of your previous posts now.

At 7:46 PM, Blogger Tasha said...

I 100 percent agree with you.They should all die long,painful deaths.On scientology,what a freaking joke.They are against meds because you would have to be crazy to believe what they teach.So if we put them all on meds they would see the big picture.And as for Mr.Push Start,I HATE ALLAH,ISLAM and MOHAMMEND.Isn't funny how your religion is the one that is causing all the bombing problems.Do you's sit around and listen to your "God" telling you to strap bombs to yourself and blow things up?Lay off the crack you stupid excuses for human beings.But then again maybe it all comes down to the scientology.Maybe it is the souls of the aliens possessing you.Bennettmarco we need more blogs like yours.You rock.

At 11:47 PM, Blogger badgerbob said...

Mr.Marco, your fans await more words of wisdom. Time for a new article. Maybe you could beat up a scientologist and tell us about it? A few days back,there was a posting on rosies site that rue was outed as being a man. Kinda strange. I have seen comments by you on her?/his? site. Thought it may be of interest to you.


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