Mikey, Ro Ro, Brad & Sean
Mikey Jerkson==== well well well brilliant jurors strike again. They let the king of pedophiles off. He is free to molest again thanks to them. Not entirely all their fault, the DA was pretty lame not to do some more research on the accusers family. I am sure there were more credible kids out there that the king of kid touchers molested. It won't be the last trial we will see with mikey accused of molesting a young boy, well unless he pays the kid off again. Of course any parent who lets their child spend the night at neverland should have their kid taken away from them. He wasn't kidding when he sang "dangerous" but who knew it was danger towards little boy. Sick freak needs to put away forever.
Rosie Odonnell aka ro ro=== She is a frequent visitor and commenter on my blog, as I am on hers. I welcome her, and welcome her comments. I will not delete any comments made from a person who does NOT post anonymously. I only delete anonymous posts that ramble and make no sense. I used to like ro ro very much back in the day. Now she still makes me laugh at what she says, only I am laughing AT her not with her. She is obviously in need of some mental help. She is at the very least bi polar if not a complete schizo. Just a look at her "art" will tell you all is not right with her. It is sad because you would think she has it made. Hot girl, lots of kids, plenty of money but something is seriously missing from her life. She is very troubled. Anyone who would tell a cancer victim that "liars get cancer" is seriously seriously disturbed. Also her blind hatred of George W is way over the top and she wouldn't know a fact if it bit her in the ass. She must get her news from mikey moore cnn and air america. Now I am not saying George W hasn't made mistakes but some of the things ro ro says are just way out there in looney land. She also stated she was "relieved" mikey jerkson wasnt found guilty. Now that is just sick coming from someone who I thought loved kids ( not loved like mikey loves kids but I mean in a wholesome caring way). I also crack up at the lapdogs that go to her site and drink the koolaid she serves and agree with everything she says. Its like they need to go to her site to figure out what to think about something, or for what their opinion should be on something. Seriously for amusement purposes go check it out. Her fans are bigger kissasses than arsenio hall.
brad pitt=== He never lets me down. Any time he does an interview I just about bust a gut listening to him say the most inane things. The guy has obviously smoked too many bowls. He needs to hang with Angelina some more and find out what a true giver looks like, it aint him. Seriously bradley sell the wedding band you arent using or one of the houses you own before you go on tv and tell people not to buy a cd because that money could send a kid in Africa to school. How many times must I say this chairty begins at home bradley. Go back to the bong and get away from the cameras and microphones.
sean penn=== What can I say about this complete scumbag that I havent already said. Now mr "carries loaded handguns on him" is over in Iran "reporting". Now THAT makes me laugh. He is reporting for the chronicle which isnt a surprise because it is a biased rag and they would get a yes man like sean to "report" for them. sean is a commie just like his dead dad. I guess he is now part of the press that he used to so despise. He even went to jail beating them up and now he is one of them. Ah the irony. Commie dad commie son. The commie doesnt fall far from the tree.
I just found your blog through a link on Rosie's and it's nice to see someone telling it like it is. If I have to read one more Yes-man response on rosie.com, I think I will die of laughter. They are ridiculous.
To johhny p
Thanks for the compliments. It is very odd to see all the lapdogs on rosies site, not surprising so much as scary. I think they go there to figure out how to think on certain topics. If you read some comments they march right in lockstep with everything ro ro says. Not too bright.
To David
Hmmm lets see you are getting on for me personal attacks yet your leader ro ro tells a cancer victim that liars get cancer. I dunno david that sounds pretty personal to me. And what about your idols offhand comments about bush? Sound personal to me. So you are one of typical lemmings that believe in "do as I say not as I do" just like your friend ro ro does. I critize her art because she puts it right there on her site and it is disturbing, obviously the work of someone in need of mental help. I do not need people to agree with everything I say like the lapdogs on rosies site. My opinions are my own and I do expect others to march lockstep with me. What a boring world it would be if everyone thought the same. try and find your own way in this world and don't look to others for the opinions you form. Good luck with that, seems you will need it.
LOL Marco Polo Zero ...suits ya. Are you seriously trying to justify your over-watching of celebrities under the guise of a "hypocrisy" hunter? I guess that takes care of someone coming right out and labeling you a stalker or accusing you of having no life, huh ?
Um ok ro ro lapdog. What do you call your blind following of ro ro? If you call me a "stalker" because I am well read and informed then I truly feel sorry for you. You obviously only see the world through rosie colored glasses and I am sure you visit her site for how to think. Sad, so sad.
It's interesting that I came across your blog mentioning Rosie's 'liars get cancer' truth considering I just got my receipt from the American Cancer Society that was my way of apologizing for questioning that comment. Started out wondering why people were saying it when her mother died from cancer. Then someone points out that she herself said it. Looked it up and sure enough. Thought it was good that she had apologized. Pointed that out and get nailed to the wall by ro herself. People on her own blog wonder why. One even went so far as to tell ro she was too hard on me and then down the line says maybe I'm 'a wolf in sheep's clothing!' Thought it interesting people still said she would never say such a thing. I never like upsetting people, so I apologized. Funny that she steps on so many toes including my own without much thought. Thanks for your comments.
Well Ro ro is a typical celebrity from the land of " do as I say NOT as I do". She can blather all day long about how mean bush et al are yet she in turn is an ugly acting vicious person. You can tell she is just a miserable person insde. One look at her "art" can tell you that. She tries to blame all that on bush when it is all her own doing. She obviously aint right in the head. I seriously hope she gets the help she so obviously needs.
You're a loser Bush lapdog...you not even funny or smart enough to make me sick
Oh Rue who has no clue. must suck to be a ro ro lapdog eh? So only smart and funny people can make you sick? You sound as mentally disturbed as your idol ro ro. Let me give you some advice.... try and think for yourself and try to laugh once in awhile. Life is too short to be so bitter!
no rambling here. you're just a sad sack in an asshat's clothing. mean and ridiculous.
Actually I am a very happy person you should try it sometime. I am not sure where one would buy asshats clothing but you sound like the expert.
Something, possesed me to go to this blog for the first time and I am glad I did. To the ananymous poster above, I believe I was the one who first said she was too harsh and then made the sheep in wolf comment. For this, I am so sorry. I should have stayed with my original instinct that you were miss treated. I don't know if you will ever read this but obviously, you were genuine and I do so apologize for thinking different. Peace be with you. I sincerely hope all goes well with you.
full of mixed feelings here.
I agree that ro's blog is full (not all) of asskissers but there r some real people with real thoughts on there. Yes, her paintings disturb me...I admit tho that Im not an art expert...In my oppinion Her acting and humor r her best art. I aplaud her attempts at honesty & her right to state her oppinions....just as i do urs. I love the glimpses I get of her life & family....but that doesnt mean that Im her lapdog. I too think the overall picture of our Government is shady ...to say the least....Yes I too think that ro's a bit over the top about that...but most people that believe with the heart r over the top. U should be happy...at least she responded to ur blogs...lol
I wish I had ur ability for quick whitted respones...Mercy! u have great comebacks!...even tho most r mean spirited...almost bullyish.
I will continue to read both urs & ro's blog...for entertainment...Ill take what I want & leave the rest.
before u chop my post up I know I cant spell & punctuation bores me...either way...i get my points across...after all...I am what I am
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